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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Batch Manufacturing Record (BMR) Review

Cleaning of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to provide a systematic and standardized process for the review of Batch Manufacturing Records (BMR) to ensure accuracy, compliance with established procedures, and adherence to regulatory requirements. This SOP outlines the responsibilities, process, and documentation requirements for the BMR review at [Your Company Name].

2.0 Scope

This SOP applies to all personnel involved in the review of Batch Manufacturing Records for all products manufactured at [Your Company Name] facility. The BMR review process encompasses the stages from the completion of manufacturing through to final product release.

3.0 Definitions

4.0 Responsibilities

4.1 The Production Department shall be responsible for:

4.2 The Quality Assurance (QA) Department shall be responsible for:

5.0 Procedure

5.1 BMR Review Initiation:

5.2 BMR Review Process:

5.3 Deviations and Investigations:

5.4 Approval and Batch Release:

6.0 Documentation

All BMR review activities, findings, investigations, and approvals shall be documented in the appropriate records and maintained as part of the batch record and quality documentation.

7.0 Training

All personnel involved in the BMR review process shall be appropriately trained on this SOP and any related procedures.

8.0 Change Control

Any changes to this SOP shall follow the established Change Control procedure and be approved by the Quality Assurance Manager.

9.0 Records Retention

All BMR review records shall be retained in accordance with the document retention policy of [Your Company Name].

10.0 References

List any applicable Standard Operating Procedures, guidelines, or regulations related to BMR review.

This SOP is effective upon approval and supersedes any previous versions. Any deviations from this SOP must be approved by the Quality Assurance Manager.

Signature: ____________________________
Printed Name: _________________________
Date: __________________________________

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