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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Personnel Gowning Qualification

Cleaning of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to establish guidelines and requirements for the qualification of personnel gowning in order to maintain the highest level of cleanliness and hygiene within the facility.

2. Scope

This SOP applies to all personnel working in controlled environments where gowning is mandatory to prevent contamination, such as cleanrooms, sterile manufacturing areas, and other designated clean areas.

3. Facility Management

4. Quality Assurance

5. Training Department

6. Personnel

Heading 2: Gowning Requirements

7. Gowning Levels

There are different gowning levels based on the level of cleanliness required in specific areas. Personnel must be qualified for each applicable gowning level before entering the respective areas.

8. Gowning Procedures

Detailed gowning procedures will be provided during the training sessions. These procedures should be followed meticulously to ensure effective contamination control.

9. Eligibility

All personnel required to enter controlled environments must undergo the gowning qualification process.

10. Initial Training

11. Written Test

12. Practical Demonstration

13. Gowning Proficiency

14. Periodic Retraining

15. Recertification

16. Records

17. Access to Controlled Environments

18. Record Retention

Heading 2: Non-Compliance and Corrective Actions

19. Non-Compliance

20. Corrective Actions

Heading 2: Revision History

21. Document Revision

22. Approval

Signature: __________________________________

Date: _______________________________________

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