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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Authorized Signatory

Cleaning of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

1. Purpose:

To establish guidelines and procedures for designating and managing authorized signatories within the organization, ensuring proper authorization and accountability for various official documents and transactions.

2. Scope:

This SOP for Authorized Signatory applies to all departments and functions within the organization where authorization and signing authority are required for official documents, agreements, contracts, and other relevant matters.

3. Definitions:

4. Responsibilities:

4.1 Designation of Authorized Signatories:

4.2 Authorized Signatory Review:

4.3 Withdrawal of Authorized Signatory Rights:

5. Authorization Levels:

6. Document Handling and Security:

7. Training and Awareness:

8. Records and Documentation:

9. Review and Revision:

10. Approval:

11. Effective Date:

12. References:

13. Attachments:

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