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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Technology Transfer

Cleaning of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

1. Purpose:

To outline the systematic process and responsibilities for transferring technology, knowledge, and expertise between departments, facilities, or external partners while ensuring the successful implementation and quality of the transferred technology.

2. Scope:

This SOP for Technology Transfer applies to all technology transfer activities conducted within the organization, including the transfer of processes, products, equipment, and associated documentation.

3. Definitions:

4. Responsibilities:

4.1 Initiating Technology Transfer:

4.2 Technology Transfer Team:

4.3 Gap Analysis:

4.4 Technology Transfer Plan:

4.5 Execution:

4.6 Documentation:

4.7 Review and Approval:

4.8 Training:

5. Communication:

6. Risk Assessment:

7. Continuous Improvement:

8. Non-compliance:

9. Approval:

10. Effective Date:

11. References:

12. Attachments:

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