Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Calibration of Melting Point Apparatus

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Calibration of Conductivity/TDS Meter

1. Purpose:

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the melting point apparatus by conducting regular calibrations, in order to maintain the integrity of experimental results.

2. Scope:

This SOP applies to all personnel involved in the operation and maintenance of the melting point apparatus in the laboratory.

3. Responsibilities:

3.1 Laboratory Manager

Responsibilities of The Laboratory Manager:

Overall Compliance:

  • Ensure that the laboratory complies with the established SOP for the calibration of the melting point apparatus.

Resource Management:

  • Allocate necessary resources, including personnel and equipment, to facilitate the calibration process efficiently.

Calibration Schedule:

  • Establish and maintain a schedule for the regular calibration of the melting point apparatus, in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and industry standards.

Personnel Training:

  • Ensure that personnel involved in calibration activities are adequately trained on the SOP and possess the required skills for accurate and reliable calibration.

Documentation Review:

  • Regularly review calibration records and documentation to ensure completeness, accuracy, and compliance with SOP guidelines.

Equipment Maintenance:

  • Oversee the maintenance of the melting point apparatus and ensure that any repairs or modifications are carried out promptly and appropriately.

Calibration Data Analysis:

  • Analyze calibration data for trends or deviations and take corrective actions if needed to maintain the accuracy of measurements.

Calibration Certificates:

  • Verify and maintain records of calibration certificates for reference standards used in the calibration process.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Implement continuous improvement initiatives in the calibration process, incorporating feedback and advancements in calibration techniques.


  • Facilitate clear communication between the laboratory personnel and relevant stakeholders regarding calibration schedules, results, and any issues identified.

Calibration Technician

Responsibilities of Calibration Technician:

Equipment Inspection:

  • Conduct a thorough inspection of the melting point apparatus before calibration, ensuring all components are in good condition.

Pre-Calibration Preparations:

  • Set up the apparatus according to the manufacturer’s instructions and ensure it is clean and free from residues.

Reference Standards Selection:

  • Choose appropriate reference standards with known and documented melting points for calibration.

Calibration Execution:

  • Insert reference standards into the melting point apparatus and accurately record observed melting points.
  • Repeat the process with at least three different reference standards to establish consistency.

Average Melting Point Calculation:

  • Calculate the average melting point for each reference standard to enhance precision in calibration.

Deviation Analysis:

  • Compare the average melting points with the certified values and identify any deviations.

Adjustment Procedures:

  • If deviations are identified, follow the manufacturer’s manual for adjustment procedures and make necessary adjustments to the apparatus.


  • Record all calibration data, including observed melting points, adjustments made, and any anomalies observed during the process.

Post-Calibration Checks:

  • Conduct a final check to ensure the apparatus is functioning within acceptable limits after adjustments.


  • Communicate any issues or irregularities identified during the calibration process to the Laboratory Manager promptly.

Laboratory personnel

Responsibilities of Laboratory Personnel:

Adherence to SOP:

  • Strictly adhere to the established SOP for the calibration of the melting point apparatus.

Pre-Calibration Preparations:

  • Assist in the pre-calibration preparations, ensuring the apparatus is clean and in proper working condition.

Reference Standards Handling:

  • Handle reference standards with care, ensuring they are not contaminated and are stored appropriately.

Calibration Execution:

  • Follow the calibration procedure outlined in the SOP diligently.
  • Record observed melting points accurately and report any deviations promptly.

Collaboration with Calibration Technician:

  • Collaborate with the Calibration Technician during the calibration process, providing necessary assistance and information.

Equipment Stewardship:

  • Take responsibility for the proper use and maintenance of the melting point apparatus.
  • Report any malfunctions or abnormalities to the Laboratory Manager.

Training and Proficiency:

  • Undergo training on the calibration SOP and demonstrate proficiency in the calibration process.


  • Contribute to the documentation process by recording relevant data during the calibration process.
  • Ensure that all records are accurate, complete, and comply with the SOP.

Post-Calibration Checks Participation:

  • Participate in post-calibration checks, providing necessary input and assistance as required.

Safety Compliance:

  • Adhere to safety guidelines, including the use of personal protective equipment, during the calibration process.


  • Communicate effectively with other laboratory personnel, Calibration Technicians, and the Laboratory Manager regarding any issues, concerns, or observations related to the melting point apparatus.


  • Regularly update training on the calibration SOP and any new developments in calibration techniques.

4. Equipment and Materials:

  • Melting point apparatus
  • Thermocouples or temperature probes
  • Reference standards (with known melting points)
  • Calibration certificates for reference standards
  • Stopwatch or timer
  • Protective gear (lab coat, gloves, safety glasses)

5. Calibration Frequency:

The melting point apparatus shall be calibrated:

  • Annually, or as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • After any repairs or significant modifications.
  • When there is a noticeable deviation in results.

6. Procedure:

6.1 Pre-Calibration Preparations:

  • Ensure the melting point apparatus is clean and free from residues.
  • Verify that all components are in good condition.
  • Set up the apparatus according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Allow the apparatus to stabilize at room temperature.

6.2 Selection of Reference Standards:

  • Choose reference standards with known and well-documented melting points.
  • Check the calibration certificates of the reference standards for traceability.

6.3 Calibration Process:

  • Insert the reference standard into the melting point apparatus.
  • Record the observed melting point.
  • Repeat the process with at least three different reference standards.
  • Calculate the average melting point for each standard.
  • Compare the average melting points with the certified values.

6.4 Adjustment (if necessary):

  • If deviations are identified, consult the manufacturer’s manual for adjustment procedures.
  • Make necessary adjustments to the apparatus.
  • Re-run the calibration process to ensure accuracy.

6.5 Documentation:

  • Record all calibration data, including observed melting points and any adjustments made.
  • Attach copies of calibration certificates for reference standards used.
  • Sign and date the calibration record.

6.6 Post-Calibration Checks:

  • Conduct a final check to ensure the apparatus is functioning within acceptable limits.
  • Label the apparatus with the calibration date and next due date.


7.1 Documentation Procedures:

Calibration Records:

  • Maintain a dedicated logbook or electronic database for recording all calibration activities.
  • Record the date, time, and personnel involved in each calibration session.

Melting Point Readings:

  • Document the observed melting points for each reference standard used during calibration.
  • Clearly indicate any anomalies or deviations from expected values.

Adjustments Made:

  • If adjustments to the melting point apparatus are necessary, document the nature of the adjustment, the date, and the personnel responsible for the modification.

Calibration Certificates:

  • Keep copies of calibration certificates for all reference standards used in the calibration process.
  • Ensure that certificates are up-to-date and traceable to national or international standards.

7.2 Post-Calibration Checks:

Final Assessment:

  • Document the results of post-calibration checks to confirm that the melting point apparatus is functioning within acceptable limits.
  • Include any additional adjustments made during the post-calibration assessment.


  • Clearly label the melting point apparatus with the calibration date and the next due date for calibration.
  • Ensure that labels are durable and prominently displayed.

7.3. Record Retention:


  • Maintain calibration records for a defined retention period, as per regulatory requirements or internal policies.


  • Ensure that calibration records are easily accessible for internal audits, inspections, or reviews.

7.4 Training:

  • Train personnel responsible for documentation on the proper procedures for recording calibration activities and maintaining accurate records.

8. Training:

All personnel involved in the calibration process must be trained on this SOP and demonstrate proficiency before conducting calibrations.

9. References:

  • Manufacturer’s manual for the melting point apparatus.
  • Calibration certificates for reference standards.

10. Revision History:

Document any changes made to this SOP, including dates and reasons for revisions.

11. Approval:

This SOP must be reviewed and approved by the Laboratory Manager.

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